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Terrified Joe Biden Heading to Pennsylvania to Try to Stop Election Audit

The state senate is on course to do an Arizona-style forensic audit of the election. State Senator Doug Mastriano announced this week that it was almost certainly going to happen. Today, the Secretary of State issued orders for county election boards to not cooperate.

Clearly, someone’s terrified.

Mastriano responded to the news:

But it isn’t just those in the Pennsylvania government involved in voter fraud who are taking action. “President” Biden is making an emergency trip of his own to “protect” election integrity. Seriously, that’s what they’re saying about his trip on July 13. According to The Conservative Treehouse:

I hate to say I told ya so, but…. [SEE HERE]  The stakes are just too high to allow the Senate in Pennsylvania to conduct a 2020 election audit; and all prior corrupt activity must be protected and maintained.  As a direct result the White House is announcing the people behind Joe Biden are immediately dispatching all federal resources to Philadelphia to begin the war against Pennsylvania voters.

The Obama regime officials cannot permit the State of Pennsylvania to challenge or expose the scale of election fraud executed in Philadelphia county. They will manipulate every narrative needed, instruct every corporate media ally, call out every labor union and community activist group, pre-position Antifa, trigger every BIG Tech mechanism, activate the DOJ, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and even the U.S. military if that is needed to quell any rebellion.

The motive for this visit is directly the result of Pennsylvania State Senator & Chairman of the PA Intergovernmental Operations Committee, Doug Mastriano, announcing the intent of the PA legislative committee to conduct a forensic audit of Philadelphia.

Why would the so-called President of the United States take time away from his extraordinarily busy schedule eating ice cream and creeping out little girls to visit a state just because they’re having an election audit. He won fair and square, right? Nothing crazy happened with the manufacturing of massive amounts of last-minute ballots that mysteriously went to him 9-1, right? As I noted on Twitter:

Clearly, someone else is terrified. Of course, with Biden we also have to take into account the second option is still a possibility.

If there wasn’t massive, widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, the Biden regime should embrace the opportunity to have an audit that puts the “conspiracy theories” to rest. Unless, of course, those highly credible theories of a stolen election are absolutely correct.

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