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Fox News host Sean Hannity urges viewers to get vaccinated: ‘Enough people have died’

By  Theresa Braine/New York Daily News

New York, NY — Fox News host Sean Hannity declared late Monday he “believes in science” and the “science of vaccines” as he urged viewers to get inoculated against COVID-19.

“Please take COVID seriously, I can’t say it enough,” he said from his anchor desk. “Enough people have died. We don’t need any more deaths.”

He urged people to research the issue, talk to their doctors and then “you and your doctor make a very important decision for your own safety. Take it seriously.”

Hannity also informed viewers of their rights to “medical privacy” and “doctor-patient confidentiality.”

Fox News anchors and hosts have been blasted over their comments against coronavirus restrictions, mask mandates and other issues related to the pandemic, as The Hill noted.

On Monday, the network was called out after it came to light that it has in essence implemented a vaccine passport program to protect its own workers, even as its hosts rail against the same practice globally.

And late last year, host Tucker Carlson told his own viewers to be nervous about the vaccine.

However, with coronavirus fast becoming a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” some are changing their tune. Steve Doocy and Bill Hemmer, also Fox News hosts, made similar statements, dismissing safety conspiracy theories, The Hill reported earlier Monday.

“It absolutely makes sense for many Americans to get vaccinated,” Hannity concluded. “I believe in science, I believe in the science of vaccination.”


One Comment

  1. Giant Meteor Giant Meteor July 21, 2021

    First of all, this guy is and always has been a Shill. Second of all, the station he is on is the biggest pimp for Big Pharma of any of them. Need proof? Just check out the commercials on FAUX. Drugs, drugs and more drugs. Between the nauseating ‘get the jab’ commercials, that is. Anybody who still tunes into Sean Hannity probably has already lined up for the sacrificial jab–multiple times; and are eagerly awaiting Emperor Fauci (and his pimp Trump) to announce the next ‘booster.’

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