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As All Federal Employees Prepare for Vaccine Mandates, What Happens If Our Fears Come to Pass?

By  JD Rucker

Vaccine mandates are coming, just as we’ve been saying for months. When Joe Biden said they wouldn’t come, we said he was lying. Now, he’s starting to tell some of the truth. They’re coming.

Over the past year or so, we’ve grown very accustomed to being attacked over our views and predictions. It mostly comes from the left, but even many on the right have come after us for being too “fringe,” especially when it comes to the stolen 2020 election and the Covid-19 injections they’re pressing so tenaciously. I took a lot of flak last month from “conservatives” when I said the Biden regime would be mandating vaccines for federal employees once they were FDA approved, possibly sooner. I reiterated that today.

“He said he won’t do it and I believe him,” one “conservative” commentator naively said in a rebuke to my prediction. Why would anyone believe Joe Biden or his handlers?

A conversation I had a couple of months ago with retired Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney revealed one of his biggest fears concerning the vaccines. He said they’re going to go after medical personnel and military first since they’re our two most important lines of defense against the Chinese Communist Party’s “hybrid warfare” against America. He then said they’d go after all federal employees at some point, compelling them to get vaxxed or lose their juicy government benefits.

It all appears to be happening. The Department of Justice said on Monday that the Biden regime has the power to mandate federal employees to take the shots. According to Children’s Health Defense (article below), such a mandate seems imminent. This brings us to the all-important question

What happens if our fears regarding the Covid-19 “vaccines” come to pass? The theories regarding future effects of the “vaccines” are wide-ranging from the logical to the absurd. But even the most ludicrous theories are not as far-fetched as they may seem when we consider the globalist elite agenda of The Great Reset. Depopulation makes sense to them, as does totalitarian control predicated by a worldwide catastrophe bigger than the pandemic we’re seeing today.

One of the most compelling theories I’ve heard — and it jibes with the doctors I’ve spoken to about the subject — claims the “vaccines” are preparatory drugs that will allow a future iteration of the coronavirus to spread much faster and be far more deadly than Covid-19. Whether it’s a variant (we’re already seeing signs the Delta Variant LOVES the vaccinated as well as evidence the vaccines are aiding in the spread of it) or a brand new coronavirus unleashed onto the population, the theory holds that those who are vaccinated will be the targets.

As comic book villain plans go, this is one of the most creative. It’s also quite viable and seems to play into the unhinged push for universal vaccinations.

Another less conspiratorial theory is that Big Pharma knows Covid-19 will mutate slowly enough for them to develop more vaccines and “boosters” to take on the onslaught of variants. It’s a cash cow that would make the flu vaccine business look like chump change. Wall Street seems to be betting heavily on this theory as stocks have skyrocketed for all four major vaccine companies.

There are other theories, of course, and none of them bode well for a nation that has the entirety of its government, military, and healthcare professionals vaccinated. They’re hitting us where it can do the most harm as quickly as possible.

Now is the time to hold firm to your beliefs and to spread the truth to the masses. We’re fighting an uphill battle with the censorship by Big Tech and the suppression by mainstream media. As always, we ask for those who can to support our efforts. This is not about “owning the libs” or “launching a red wave in 2022.” Those things may have some importance, but we’re facing an existential threat unlike anything this nation has seen. The truth has to be broadcast as loudly as possible and we need your help in doing it.

If there are catastrophic reactions caused by the vaccines in the future and the vast majority of federal employees are vaccinated, this nation could be crippled in ways only spy thriller authors and conspiracy theorists have ever imagined. It could me a complete collapse of the system. Meanwhile, our government is busy trying to make as many people beholden to this system as possible.

Here’s the article by Children’s Health Defense. Some are starting to take notice and get concerned, but we need more voices to be heard if we have any hope of preventing this.


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