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Republican Staffers Defy Pelosi: Maskless ‘Beer’ Pong, Cigars in Capitol Hallway

by Joel B. Pollak

Republican staffers defied Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday evening by playing beer pong (with water) in a Capitol office hallway, smoking cigars, and socializing — without masks, courting arrest by Capitol Police.

As Breitbart News reported Thursday, Pelosi ordered Capitol Police to arrest any staff and visitors who refused to comply with new mask mandates, which she imposed earlier in the week, regardless of vaccination status. She ordered the Capitol Police to report members of Congress who refused to comply to the House Sergeant at Arms for disciplinary action.

In response, several GOP members of Congress defied Pelosi’s orders by allowing staff to work without masks, or remotely.

But young Capitol Hill staffers had another idea: they brought out drinks, inflated a rubber duck, and let the good times roll.

That caught the attention of Aaron Fritschner, a staffer for Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA), who sought to shame them on Twitter:

If you are wondering who these staff work for the nearby rooms include Reps. Tom Cole (OK), Pete Sessions (TX), John Carter (TX), Morgan Griffith (VA), Ken Calvert (CA), and Elise Stefanik (NY).

— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) July 29, 2021

Republican members of the House staged a maskless protest on the Senate side of the Capitol, where the leadership does not enforce mask mandates, though both chambers are under Democratic control and both claim to be following “the science.”

Also on Thursday, President Joe Biden announced that he would be requiring all federal employees, and employees of federal contractors, to attest to having been vaccinated, or wear a mask and submit to regular testing for the coronavirus.


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