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Who Shall Rescue Us from Joe Biden?

Who Shall Rescue Us from Joe Biden?
Who Shall Rescue Us from Joe Biden?

By Geoffrey P. Hunt

With placeholder president-in-name-only Joe Biden’s horrifying, juvenescent, and callow surrender of Afghanistan, the Dems’ and Never-Trumpers’ grand succession plan aprùs Donald Trump has now utterly collapsed.

President Joe Biden is officially a disgrace to the office, the nation, and its citizens.  Ruined by his native low IQ arrogance, malicious incompetence, and aging mental health infirmities, and shunned by our allies, Joe Biden has no standing.

Relegating serious Afghan retrograde decisions to a collection of woke fools, and duplicitous useless technocrats would never be forgivable even if Biden were a completely innocent incapacitated bystander. Yet in his increasingly rare coherent nano-moments, Biden will not admit to having allowed — indeed steered — his handlers to orchestrate a colossal geopolitical wreck, easily avoidable, a predictable and ignoble coda to his mendacious, dishonorable, and mediocre career.


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