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Trump tears into ex-ally and potential 2024 rival Nikki Haley

Donald Trump, Nikki Haley are posing for a picture: MailOnline logo

by Morgan Phillips,

President Trump said that his one-time close ally and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley can’t decide how she feels about him.

‘Every time she criticizes me, she uncriticizes me about 15 minutes later,’ the former president told Vanity Fair.

Haley, like a number of other Republicans, is rumored to be considering a 2024 run for the GOP nomination, but will have to wait until after Trump has decided if he is running.

Meanwhile, Trump kept up his criticism of his vice president Mike Pence, saying that he shot any chance at the nomination by certifying the vote count in Congress in January.

‘Mike hurt himself very badly when he didn’t send the numbers back to the legislatures,’ Trump said.

Trump tapped Haley for UN ambassador, where she served from Jan. 2017 to Dec. 2018, and even made the role a Cabinet position.

Upon her resignation, the New York Times editorial page noted  Haley was ‘that rarest of Trump appointees: one who can exit the administration with her dignity largely intact.’

The former South Carolina governor was largely loyal to Trump, even parroting the possibility of election fraud in the weeks following Nov. 3.

She called Trump after the election. ‘I want to make sure you’re okay,’ she told him. ‘You’re my president, but you’re also my friend.’

But after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Haley distanced herself, appealing to a more centrist base.

‘He was badly wrong with his words yesterday. And it wasn’t just his words. His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history,’ Haley told a Republican National Committee in Florida on Jan. 7.

A month later, she took it even further, telling Politico: ‘When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement
. I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it.’

Haley, who hadn’t spoken to Trump since that the riot, was doubtful that he would ever run again.

‘I think he’s going to find himself further and further isolated,’ Haley said. ‘I think his business is suffering at this point. I think he’s lost any sort of political viability he was going to have. I think he’s lost his social media, which meant the world to him. I mean, I think he’s lost the things that really could have kept him moving.’

Nikki Haley, Donald Trump that are sitting on a bench posing for the camera: (© Provided by Daily Mail (Donald Trump, Nikki Haley standing next to a person in a suit and tie: (© Provided by Daily Mail (

‘He’s not going to run for federal office again,’ Haley said.

But Haley told the Associated Press in April she would back Trump and would not run if he did.

At that time she also defended Trump amid his attacks on Pence and Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

‘I think former President Trump’s always been opinionated,’ Haley said, asked about his comments and if they hurt the GOP.

‘Just because he left being president, that’s not going to stop. But I think what he also talked about were all the successes that he had in the administration. And I think that’s what Republicans are uniting on. … Every day Biden and Kamala Harris are in office unites the Republicans.’

Haley is now stuck in limbo along with every other Republican considering a run for the presidency.

‘It’s a holding pattern,’ a frustrated Haley adviser told Vanity Fair. ‘It’s unlike any previous race.’

Trump refuses to say whether he’ll run in 2024, but told Fox News’ Sean Hannity in August: ‘Let me put it this way, I think you’ll be happy and I think a lot of our friends will be very happy.’

Insiders believe he is basking in the ‘will he or won’t he’ agony other prospective Republicans are grappling with.

‘Knowing Trump, he’ll dangle it right up to the New Hampshire primary filing deadline,’ one Trump confidant said.  0


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