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Australian State Premier Announces All Non-Vaccinated Citizens Will Be Locked Out of Economy, Freedom Only Permitted to Vaccinated

By Sundance

Apparently the internet has been turned off for people in Australia.  That is the only reasonable explanation for how their political leadership can keep claiming that vaccinated people cannot contract the COVID virus.

This claim is empirically refuted by every other nation who is seeing vaccinated people contracting COVID and “some” being hospitalized regardless of their vaccine status.

On a weirdly positive note, it appears they have abandoned the regional Australian plan of “COVID-ZERO,” which was a plan to lock-down the entire nation, on a state-by-state basis, until they never had a single case of COVID and then re-open society.


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One Comment

  1. Cyril McNuggetts Cyril McNuggetts September 7, 2021

    This guy is a classic lefty , in your country he would be a Democrat. A cross between Cuomo the pervert and some other over opiniated dweeb from the lefty ranks.

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