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A Black Harvard undergraduate sees only her own skin color

by Andrea Widburg

Critical Race Theory demonizes Whites and seeks to create dangerous racial tribalism within America.  Less obviously, CRT (by which I mean all variations of the theme holding that America and White people are irredeemably racist) is that it paints minorities, especially Blacks, as pathetic, helpless people.  For all the talk about “Black power” and “strong Black women,” those Blacks marinated in CRT view themselves as weak — and nothing illustrates that better than Kyla N. Golding’s opinion piece in the Harvard Crimson.

Golding, two years away from graduation and a “Crimson Editorial editor,” decided to go public with her decision to fall off the pre-med track.  It wasn’t that she discovered that the work was boring or difficult, or that her goals changed.  Instead, this gal who planned to be a STEM major discovered “how white supremacy lives and breathes in each of our bodies, spreading between each of us — body to body — like contagion.”

The triggering event for Golding’s realizing that she’s a victim down to the cellular level, far below the melanin she wears on her skin, was Breonna Taylor’s death, which Golding describes as a “murder.”  If Golding had a genuinely scientific mindset and had investigated the details behind Taylor’s death, she wouldn’t have used that word.

Taylor, although a paramedic, was also part of a major drug-smuggling ring in Louisville, Kentucky, that her former boyfriend was running.  Taylor’s latest boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, was also involved in the drug trade.  When warrant-holding police loudly and repeatedly knocked on the door to the apartment before entering, Walker met them with bullets — so they fired back.  Taylor wasn’t hiding in bed; she was right next to Walker, got shot, and died.  As I told my kids, if you’re friends with criminals, you’ll end up in jail or dead.

But Golding, a typical Harvard student, had no interest in facts.  The mythology around Taylor was so powerful that, when Golding learned that the two officers involved were defending themselves against Walker’s murderous efforts, she had an epic and pathetic race-based panic attack:

That day, my body inhaled molecules of white supremacy as they seeped out of my computer from that proctored Zoom room. They entered my bloodstream and catalyzed a metabolism that would allow for the invasion of my body by a violently infectious life form. A chronic pain, caused by the perpetuation of lethally unjust practices and compounded by the silence and avoidance between myself and my educators when it comes to Black women’s lives, would make its way through and onto neighboring cells within my physical being. The presence of the germ of white supremacy would cause a steric hindrance within me, slowing down and even preventing the reactions of learning and healing that I desperately needed for myself and from others in that moment. The exam began, and I haven’t been able to show up mentally or emotionally in a science class since.

The essay continues in the same vein for several more paragraphs, as Golding congratulates herself for being strong enough to decide that “the germ of white supremacy still shows up in my body every time I enter the Science Center C lecture hall or its Zoom room equivalent.”  In more common parlance, she couldn’t hack the pre-med curriculum.  (Honest fact: I never could have done so.  I’m not that smart.)

It’s easy — really easy — to laugh at Golding.  This is a young woman who is neurotic, hysterical, narcissistic, and seemingly lacking in intelligence and self-discipline.

Golding is also a tragic figure.  This is what the toxin of CRT does to Blacks.  It doesn’t just train them to hate Whites (and Thomas Sowell warns where this hate-based tribalism ends).  It also makes them dangerously fragile, an obvious point when Golding wraps up her essay by insisting that Black women who drop out because they are chronic victims of institutional fascism are engaging in a “revolutionary” act that is a form of “liberation.”

While Helen Reddy once inspired a generation of women by singing, “I am woman, hear me roar,” Black women fed on a CRT diet will be singing, “I am a Black woman; see me run away and hide.”

This victim identity blinds Blacks to the good things in life.  Even as Golding waffles on in faux-therapeutic, faux-scientific language about her Black victimhood, she’s at Harvard.  Admittedly, Harvard has dropped from being a worthwhile institution to becoming an academic joke and embarrassment, but it still has serious cachet in leftist circles.  Deserving or not, she’s one of the privileged few.

The leftists who are riding CRT to political power have a lot to answer for.  Not only are they setting the stage for turning America into Rwanda on steroids, but they are also destroying Black young people despite their claims to be those young Blacks’ protectors.

Image: Crying woman (not Golding) by Mateus Souza.


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