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A bombshell study just revealed George Soros’ true influence over global media – and it’s terrifying for freedom

A bombshell study just revealed George Soros’ true influence over global media – and it’s terrifying for freedom
A bombshell study just revealed George Soros’ true influence over global media – and it’s terrifying for freedom

By Informed American

Billionaire George Soros is the most powerful left-wing radical in the world.

He routinely uses his wealth to tank global currencies and create economic disasters to fund the most extreme left-wing politicians and causes imaginable.

And now a bombshell study just revealed George Soros’ true influence over global media – and it’s terrifying for freedom.

“Reporters see him as an ally…”

The Media Research Center released a new study this week attempting to unravel the true extent of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ expansive influence over the so-called “mainstream” media…

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