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A Brief History of Social Engineering and Psychological Warfare in the United States


Alexis: In January of 2015, the Washington Times opened one of their articles with these words:

“There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victims of Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.

“Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with”[1]

“Soros’ support for drug legalization is part of his twisted notion of ‘open society and he uses his vast network of NGOs [non-governmental organizations] to destabilize regimes that he sees as opposing Western liberal ‘open society. For Soros, the open society is the permissive society, in which a kind of hedonistic calculus prevails.

“He carefully keeps his hedge funds offshore and does not allow for American investors, so as to keep out of reach of the SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] and other American regulatory agencies. Soros is… not to be trusted. His philanthropy is all about color revolutions, regime change, and drug culture.”[3]

Russia has blacklisted Soros’ organizations and called them “undesirable.”[4] Russia basically kicked him out of the country. So did China. Soros irresponsibly turned around and blamed Vladimir Putin for the refugee crisis and for working “to foster EU’s disintegration.”[5] Sadly no serious person took Soros seriously about Russia. As one writer put it,

“Unsurprisingly, this line of rubbish failed to hoodwink the overwhelming majority of readers – which Soros apparently believes are too ignorant to connect the dots between Syria, Russia, and Europe. Indeed, it was sheer entertainment perusing the Guardian’s reader comment section following the article, which proves Soros seriously underestimates his audience’s grasp of geopolitical issues.”[6]

But Soros is just a new agent on the block. Can you walk us through the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s and document how Soros’ ideological brethren like Luis Wirth and the Rockefellers used social engineering throughout the United States to destroy the social and moral order in places like Chicago and Philadelphia?

Jones: I cover the full story of social engineering in my book The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing. George Soros’s attempt to use Black Lives Matter and other organizations as his proxy warriors at Ferguson and the University of Missouri goes back to the Black/Jewish Alliance, a story I cover in The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

For 60 years—from 1909 with the founding of the NAACP to 1969 when the FBI shut down the Black Panthers—influential Jews in organizations as diverse as the NAACP and the Communist Party tried to turn the Negro into a revolutionary. They created a monster instead. This is precisely what Tom Watson predicted in the aftermath of the Leo Frank trial:

“The National Pencil Factory, owned by Frank’s people, fought our Child Labor bill fiercely and helped to kill it—and in God’s mysterious way, it cost the Superintendent his life.”[7] .

Soros, we are told, gave at least $33 million in one year to support subversive movements such as Black Lives Matter (hereafter BLM) under the name of “social justice organizations.”[2] Soros has also been accused of subverting the moral and “and political systems around the world…


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