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A Gang of Hired Hands

A Gang of Hired Hands
By Garcia Wilde

Earlier this month, the UN General Assembly voted on a resolution about imposing a ceasefire in Gaza and temporarily halt Israel’s massacre of Gaza civilians. More than 150 states voted yes, 23 abstained, and ten states voted against it. The latter apparently wanted to see the genocide of Palestinians to continue. Predictably, genocidal Israel and its uncle (Uncle Sam) voted against the resolution. But who were the hired hands who also said “No” to the humanitarian gesture? Alphabetically, they are Austria, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, and Paraguay.

Servile “pal” of Israel, it is perhaps trying to atone for being the birthplace of Hitler and welcoming the Anschluss
 It’s no accident that when hundreds of thousands Soviet Jews emigrated in the ‘70s, Austria was chosen as immigration clearing house.

Czechoslovakia was the first nation to sell arms to Jews who were fighting to establish the illegal Zionist entity in Palestine. Thanks to Zionist publicity, few people know that Israel’s Uzi submachine gun was invented by a Czech. An Israeli made minor modification to the weapon and claimed it as his invention. Since Czechoslovakia was a Soviet satellite, the west kept mum about the theft. Israel has earned billions of dollars from the sale of Uzis. Prague is also eager to endear itself to Washington.

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