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A hateful, conspiracy-filled book just got harder to buy. That’s no cause for celebration (Oh, I bet it is)

‘I banned a book. Or at least I helped get it banned, which makes Banned Books Week a little awkward for me this year. Like celebrating Arbor Day by cutting down a tree.

I came to censorship innocently. Almost by accident. Two weeks ago, a reader sent in a photo he took in a Barnes & Noble store in Arlington, Va. It showed a promotion table: “New Releases in Paperback 20% Off.” There, among copies of “The Paris Orphan,” “The Nightjar” and “The Read-Aloud Handbook,” was David Icke’s “The Trigger: The Lie That Changed the World — Who Really Did It and Why.”

You may not recognize the name David Icke if you don’t spend a lot of time slithering around the anti-Semitic corners of the Internet or listening to Alice Walker. Icke is a former British sports commentator who announced in the early 1990s that he is the son of God. Soon after that, he started to sound weird. He’s published more than a dozen “mind-blowing” conspiracy books that explain everything, including how interdimensional reptiles control planet Earth.

“The Trigger,” Icke’s new self-published book, is 900 pages of harebrained word vomit. It claims that the official explanation of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks is a lie to cover up the “massive and central involvement in 9/11 by Israeli government, military and intelligence operatives.” This is consistent with his claims that the “satanic” Mossad has had its hands in international drug running and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Naturally, Icke is also a student of that anti-Semitic classic “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

Given that content, I thought it was odd to see Barnes & Noble promoting “The Trigger,” so I sent a note to B&N’s corporate office asking about it. A day later, a spokesperson told me: “This book is sold by an independent publishing distributor, and was ordered for a sub-section called ‘Conspiracies’ in some stores. After being alerted to the content, we are removing the book from all stores.”

Now you can’t even find “The Trigger” on Barnes & Noble’s website, although plenty of Icke’s other execrable books are still available there.’


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