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A ‘New’ Trump Blows the Lid Off RNC With Unity Speech


Just days after a smelly, pimply-faced incel tried to put a bullet in his head, President Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president.

He was surrounded by family and faithful Republicans, eager to help him make America great again.

FACT-O-RAMA! One man alone can not save this nation from the Marxists looking to enslave We the People. He needs patriotic Americans like YOU to “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT” with him.

Hulk Hogan’s speech made me want to take a hot-tub time machine back to April 19, 1775, and unload muskets at lobsterbacks at Lexington and Concord. Eric Trump’s speech dropped truth bombs all over the joint. But President Trump transcended everything with a speech he reportedly wrote himself, days after a narcissistic animal tried to upend American history.

I am told Trump had an edgy speech full of facts that Biden wouldn’t like but instead went with something more “unifying.”

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