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A Shocking UN Document Reveals The Sick Sexual Agenda That The Globalists Plan To Push On The Whole World


by Michael


They aren’t going to stop until they impose their twisted values on the entire planet.  If you have not heard of “The 8 March Principles” yet, you can find the entire document right here.  It is essentially a blueprint for synchronizing all global laws regarding sexuality, gender and reproductive rights.  UNAIDS is one of the organizations that was involved in drafting this document, and on their official website they claim that many global laws that prohibit certain types of sexual behavior “not only violate human rights, but the fundamental principles of criminal law themselves”.  Alarmingly, among the laws that are being targeted by the globalists are laws that ban adults from having sex with children.

It turns out that they have been working on “The 8 March Principles” for quite a long time.

In fact, UNAIDS says that it took “over five years” to finalize this new document…

The principles are the outcome of a 2018 workshop organized by UNAIDS and OHCHR along with the ICJ to discuss the role of jurists in addressing the harmful human rights impact of criminal laws. The meeting resulted in a call for a set of jurists’ principles to assist the courts, legislatures, advocates and prosecutors to address the detrimental human rights impact of such laws.






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