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A Take on Trump and Tulsi

By G. Murphy Donovan

“In order to have your voice heard in Washington, you must make some small contribution.”

—Elon Musk

Donald Trump is a political vampire, now a mythical figure; folk hero to some and an ogre for others.  Try as they might, the American establishment, right and left, have been unable to put a stake through the political heart of  Trump and his populist/nationalist narrative.

The mirth that accompanied Trump’s campaign in 2016 is gone.  The man who slew the dragon lady is no longer a punch line.  MAGA is now just another rude four-letter word, if you were to ask Democrats.  For the feminist left, Trump is the vulgar patriarch who quashed the Hillary quest; the second best dream, after race, for the identity and intersectional crowd on the American left.

Granted, the worst of the Hillary fail was irony…

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