By Admin, Rostelcom Network, Russia
Vatic Note: This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLES I HAVE EVER PUT UP AND ITS A MUST READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH. This is an educational site, not a fast food info titillating headlines site, so be prepared to read. This below is the most serious business I have ever read in laying out the entire history and plan for not just taking us over, but destroying our “race”, which is Caucasian. That is not my opinion, this is from the khazars own lips recorded at a meeting. You better read the section by Foxman of the ADL where it says it out right, their plan is to destroy and get rid of the White Race.
This was in a speech he did and it was recorded. Remember when you read this, that the section on Rothschild, is about his being a Jew and he was not. He was a khazar and I believe all of this below is directly attributable to the khazar ashkenazi Jews of Europe. So, where ever you see the word JEW, substitute Khazar, since that is who they are, not semites, rather turks and mongols.
As I have said before, they always use truth in telling us what we need to hear in order to do their agenda. In this case this interviewee is tied in with Chabad, which makes him a super rabbi, and thus his credentials are secured for the resistance movement. He is squealing on his own, out of arrogance, not repentence.
And Foxman of ADL did the same thing, he admitted manipulating our race into using misogyny to destroy the white race. Now I see what others were saying about these Khazars being the real RACISTS. BY golly, from his own mouth came the words and it explains why they killed 63 million christians in Russia, since Christians are primarily Caucasian and secondarily others.
Notice how they subtly turn our attention from ROTHSCHILDS who are being vilified all over the planet, to Baruch, who no one has ever heard of, except in passing. Then notice how they, not we, but they tie the Chabad Mafia, in with the Nazi’s. The Nazi’s have been pushing us to blame the zio’s while the Zio’s are now pushing us to tie the Khazars into nazi’s. They really do think the goyim are stupid. WRONG!
Many questions arose as I read this, and one of them was “How come we never heard about any of this prior to now, or I should say “until RECENTLY” and its been years that the Zionists have been outted, along with the international Rothschild bankers?? This author, of this article, who obviously has some connection to the Chabad Mafia or he would not have been invited to do this article, has gone out of his way to deflect/redirect our attention elsewhere from the Federal Reserve and central banking. Now we get to see who is really stupid.
I believe the Elders of Zion, in their protocols, call this “CONTROLLED OPPOSITION”. In other words “control the direction of our attention and resulting actions” against someone in order to stop what is happening in the resistance movement. This decision to do this may well have been a result of all the support these Khazar Zionists are losing among the US Jewish population, which they need desperately, since they cannot continue to suck off America for what they need to pull off this New World Order and third world war, without their support in both money and lobbying.
They would never finance such actions themselves as a matter of principle. They have the money to do it, but its the underlying foundation of their propoganda, that the goyim are so stupid they deserve only to be slave zombies to the ruling Chabad, and that is backfiring on them badly right now. They had to change tactics. I wondered how they would do that, and this fits with their modus Operandi.
Deception is the key to all of their strategy and tactics in their move to take over the planet while we pay for it and they reap trillions off of the dead corps of European and Muslim based nations, leaving the Zionists standing to rule the world as “Albert Pike” so eloquently stated back in 1871.
This interview is a truly mind blowing exposure and deserves very close reading and pondering as to the depth, breadth and commitment they have to make this all work for them. Remember Rosenthal also gave and interview and was killed for it. His was done out of arrogance as well, and almost blew the cabals cover. Another way you can tell its khazars and not Jews is these people in the international banking system are also satanists as are their followers and puppets.
Those who refused like Wellstone, Stevens, and JFK Jr are dead. Finally, a section on the type of terror Lenin and Stalin used on the Russia leaders which was satanic in nature, to extract the most pain, fear and terror for the maximum amount of energy for the demonic minions to absorb.
I could hardly finish reading what they had done. Its now clear, we better fight to the death so they can’t torture us or do the same to us that they did to the Russians in 1917.
Due to the absolutely shocking material presented in this interview, the question arises – how is it possible that such a explosive and anti-Semitic information was provided by none other than a rabbi, and a senior one, who knows subtleties and details that are not available even to ordinary Jews?
Does he have some problems with his head to say such things, for which Zio-Nazis kill, especially when you consider that this rabbi is not just any ordinary rabbi, but a rabbi of Chabad?
(VN: isn’t that a crime to deface US money??? In fact, I believe it is jail time kind of crime.)
Chabad-Lubavitch rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson – “Moshiach” (Jewish messiah) – ruler of the world with the money of trillionaire banker Baruch according to Eduard Hodos, and not him alone.
And to say all these things in an open air broadcast, where a lot of people will be able to hear it with their own ears? For what? And for whose interests? Is this a joke of some kind? Why provoke “goyim” (non-Jews) and humiliate them in such a blatant and repelling way? What sort of a result could possibly come out of it, even in principle?
Some people who have read this interview simply could not believe this is real. They said that all of it is just an insanity and could not possibly be true, and this rabbi is not a real rabbi but an impersonator and the whole thing is a hoax.
But the fact that human meat was indeed found in the McDonald factories’ freezers by FDA inspectors is the clearest and most fundamental evidence, which is simply undeniable, that this interview is indeed as real as it gets.
And, considering the fact that no Christian priest, “antisemitic” and/or “racist” or not, could possibly know such an explosive information casts the validity of this interview in stone, particularly if we consider another fact: every day in the USA alone 2300 children are missing. “In 1999, nearly eight-hundred-thousand children went missing”.
(VN: who controls the press? Who controls the internal workings of the chabad or anything else to do with Israel? What I got from reading this link above about McDonalds, is THEY ARE AFRAID OF THE RATE OF AWAKENING OF THE SHEEP, they can’t stop the awakening, but they can direct it and they need the sheep in order to collect the guns which are critical to their success. So, this link and the diatribes within it are about poking at the goyim to make them mad enough to START THE VIOLENCE, and by calling them “cowards”, by implying we are eating our brethren humans in the meat at McDonalds and where would the meat come from?
Those 900,000 missing American children from last year who are babies and toddlers killed by these sickos, who then drink their blood to extend their lives….the Queen of England ring a bell, kissinger ring a bell, how about Bush, Rockefeller, Zbig B, all of them heading up to 100 years old and still kicking?
Yes, this does look like insanity and megalomania. But what this rabbi is saying is confirmed by way too many of other documents, speeches and quotes and regardless of how “insane” it looks, it perfectly aligns with the whole ZioNazi ideology and their agenda of world domination, known as the NWO…
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“On Easter Sunday, 1475, the dead body of a two-year-old boy named Simon was found in the cellar of a Jewish family’s house in Trent, Italy. Town magistrates arrested all eighteen Jewish men and one Jewish woman living in Trent on the charge of ritual murder—the killing of a Christian child in order to use his blood in Jewish religious rites.”
– Yale University Press
* Numerous articles and books have since published to the contrary amid an unchanging pursuit to present antisemitic discourse as the true crime, while consistently dissenting from the Trent manuscript of which they claim their writings are based.
– A revival of narrative attempt, yet the boy Simon was indeed found in the aforementioned location.
Moreover, rituals involving blood do commence – Birth; Returning the Messiah (Schneerson); Tsar Nicholas II, among others.
(Witchcraft is also common, not entirely permitted, but very common among females; most try it at least once.
As rabbis indeed know, accept it, and look the other way.)
All seem to hold Menachem Mendel Schneerson in high regard, as some truly believe he is the Messiah.
Whether 1475 Trent or 2024 Crown Heights, Brooklyn… the practice of bringing him back will continue.
– They are old-school Talmudic Kabbalists who’ve largely co-opted the Western Church and still maintain a resentment toward Christians in the form of anti‐Gospel acts/documents, “Toledoth Yeshu,” which depicts Jesus as the practitioner of black magic. Editions of such documents published well into the 20th century, and still publish today.
– Rabbi Falk refused to address Toledoth Yeshu amid his ultimatum in the early 1970s – That if Judaism and Christianity were to find theological acceptance of one another, it would require Christianity “preparing for the Messianic Age and accepting the Community of Israel.”
(Hence, those such as Mike Huckabee, Hagee, et al calling themselves “Messianic Christians”)
* Orthodox Christians know Chabad and their books well; they’ll reveal what the Hagee fellows will not.