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A Woman by Any Other Name is Still a Woman


By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.


famous line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, meaning that things are what they are, regardless of what you choose to name them. This is why modern man uses language to precisely define people, places, and things, irrespective of how we might feel about said things.

The same can be applied to men and women, or boys and girls. They are what they are, regardless of how we choose to name them. Such thinking was common sense for centuries, but now in our post-enlightenment culture, accepted descriptors are somehow verboten, requiring a new language with cumbersome verbosity replacing simple one or two syllable words.

The first example is from Les Mills, an international fitness company founded in Auckland, New Zealand, providing on demand online workouts. When founded 50 years ago, their goal was fitness. Today they have additional goals, shared by most corporations around the world, of diversity, equity, and inclusion, as proclaimed on their website.



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