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PEDO GATEWomen Operatives in Very High Places

Covert Anglo American Network of “Crown Agents Sisters” Revealed

Mischief Makers |  Mistress of the Revels |  ‘Man In The Middle’ Attacks

Mistress of the Revels List, September 152011 of ‘Crown Agents’ Sisters‘ Who Allegedly Use Pedophile Extortionists and Snuff Film Patent Pools to Support ‘Man in The Middle’ Attacks on Leaders with an MO of Matrix (5Communities, see Marcy Below, and Command, Contract Hit and Spoliation Crews that dates Back to the 1629 Foundation of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle MakersMistress of the Revels.

(1) Kristine Marcy

Kristine Marcy (foto The Millennium Report)

Kristine Marcy “Née McConnell. Revised August 102012. Kristine Marcy is A Matrix 5 Principal and the 1979 Founder and De Facto President of the Senior Executive Service (SES). She Allegedly Borrowed British Bankers Association Money at Libor Minus Sex Per Cent to Modify ConAirUS Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System, Planes for Missions Such as the Norad Santa Exercise of 1996. She Allegedly Flew ConAir Prisoners on Furlough to Prepare A Libor $ 118.000 Ransom Note at A Crime Scene Associated with the Snuff Film and Torture Killing of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day 1996. She allegedly used the snuff film to extort national security concessions from JonBenet’s father and Lockheed Martin directors in 1996, including Lynne Cheney and Norman Mineta. She and co recipients of the Gore Hammer Awards, allegedly used Clipper chips and the Nortel developed Joint Automated Booking Station (JABS) in the spoliation of evidence of the JonBenet murder in Boulder, Colorado in 1996, and the Gareth Williams murder some time in August 2010 in Pimlico, London, UK. She allegedly developed JABS for David Blood and Al Gore to authorize serial and or mass murders of ‘Mindless Breathers – Useless Breeders’. She is allegedly rewarded with other JABS users for the management of evidence at Blood & Gore crime scenes with money laundered through the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund. She was the 1996 recipient of Vice President Gore’s Hammer Award for Reinventing Government Programs for her work in creating the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS – nick named ‘Con Air’). She allegedly organized the theft of PROMIS and its translation into a French version of JABS for La Sûreté du Québec and Francophonie 9/11; she and co recipients of the Gore Hammer Awards, allegedly used the Nortel JABS system in the spoliation of evidence of a home break in at the former Glyndon property of her brother, Field McConnell. She allegedly conspired with FAA’s Collaborative Decision Makers who also won Gore Hammer Awards, to overthrow the United States Government on 9/11. She allegedly sent bogus Con Air passenger manifests and flight schedules to the FAA’s air traffic control headquarters in Herndon, Virginia, to paralyze blue team responses to electronic hijacking during the phony Gore Hammer war game on 9/11. She allegedly used Con Air to fly victims to cannibal oath ceremonies at a British Columbia pig farm where they would swear to uphold the principles espoused in Al Gore’s propaganda movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. She allegedly conspired with her former SBA loan syndicate client, Wells Fargo, to promote the Al Gore: Inconvenient Truth [Death by Breath] propaganda on her brother’s birthday October 02, 2007 at the Wells Fargo Theatre in Denver, Colorado. She allegedly authorized DOJ Pride to set up a ConAir pedophile transport system to entrap and extort KPMG clients at SOS Children’s Villages in the State of Illinois and 130 countries around the world. She allegedly launched DOJ Pride in 1994 to infiltrate Uranian, third sex, entrapment experts into crime scene investigations to accuse the innocent and shelter the guilty. She allegedly used a Federal Bridge Certification Authority to give the UK Ministry of Defence an electronic warfare backdoor into the Air Force Special Operations Command and its SBA mentor protégé programs for‘Gore Hammer 9/11. She allegedly converted a Pennsylvania mine to hold pedo file images for use by her DOJ Pride colleagues to extort pedophile government employees and undermine the integrity of a Federal Bridge Certification Authority (FBCA). She allegedly holds proxy keys to the FBCA which give Barack Obama distance from contract hits such as the Fast and Furious assassination of ATF agent Brian Terry. She is the former Senior Counsel for the Office of Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She allegedly issued time lapse private keys to the SBA’s extorted 8(a) HUBZone voters to ensure Barack Hussein Obama was fraudulently elected POTUS 44 in November 2008. She allegedly procured time lapse keys for use by a matrix of Her Majesty’s Crown Uranian (see anagram for Manchurian) cells inside DOJ Pride to conceal Paperclip passport frauds exposing Obama as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC). She allegedly directs the extortion of Man in the middle officials in the US Department of Justice, the Bar Associations of the District of Columbia and the US Court of Military Appeals, and the US Supreme Court. She appears to have used .tv snuff films to extort the Office of Personnel Management into concealing Obama’s ties to a Mau Mau oath taking family in Kenya. She allegedly linked the US Small Business Administration’s HUBZone Settlements to an E Comm command center in British Columbia where 9/11 operators learn how to stage a murder during the production of a horror film production with unwitting (?) actors or extras…



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