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Abysmal Sales Lead Fake-Meat Producer To Ditch Globalist Product Line, As Researchers Uncover The Truth About Lab-Grown Meat

By Heather Allen


British Vegan Sausage maker Heck-Yes has announced they will be discontinuing production on the majority of their plant-based sausages. Although the World Economic Forum and Claus Schwab would like people to quit eating meat, turning instead to plants and insects, the public is digging its heels in and rejecting the lab-made concoctions.

Heck-Yes co-founder Andrew Keebler weighed in on the failing product as the company decided to reduce its offering from 15 types of meat-free sausages to 2. According to the Western Journal, He said,

“We had a huge range of vegan products because, like everyone else, we believed what was being written in the press,” Keeble continued, “If you look at the massive sort of Silicon Valley valuations out there, people were investing in vegan brands, and they didn’t want to miss the next Google.”

Keeble noted that although their products do not sell well, they are good for gut health, “The vegan market is really funny. We actually had some amazing products out there that were very functional, very good for your gut — [such as] one with quinoa and beetroot in it…”


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