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ACLU Erects “Abortion is Legal” Billboard After Ohio Sanctuary City for the Unborn Is Established

By Elizabeth Johnston

The American Civil Liberties Union has paid to have a billboard erected just outside the city limits of the first locality in the state of Ohio to establish itself as a sanctuary for the unborn.

The billboard reads “Abortion is legal in all of Ohio,” undermining a Lebanon, Ohio ordinance which bans abortion in city limits and is one of many such ordinances across three states which seek to inspire lawsuits that could ultimately see Roe v. Wade overturned in the Supreme Court.

“We put up the billboard in reaction to an ordinance passed by the city of Lebanon,” the ACLU of Ohio’s legal director Freda Levenson said, according to FOX 19. “The ordinance is meant to stigmatize abortion and to interfere with the availability of critical health care.”

“The ordinance claims that Roe v. Wade is not the law of the land,” she also said. “That’s pretty extreme rhetoric. Roe v. Wade still is the law of the land.”

Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court Ruling which effectively legalized abortion in the United States, is a notoriously bad ruling that millions hope to see overturned. Since it was decided, an estimated 62 million unborn American children have been killed by abortion.

What Lebanon and other Sanctuary City for the Unborn cities are doing is exactly what moral leaders everywhere should be doing in our federalist system: doing what they can to govern morally and ensure that unborn life will be preserved in their jurisdictions.

The Lebanon ordinance makes it illegal to perform an abortion, provide funds for an abortion, or instructions on how to perform an abortion within Lebanon city limits. Violators can face up to six months in jail and fines of up to $2,500.

The Lebanon City Council members, who passed the ordinance unanimously in May, are unphased by the message from the pro-abortion ACLU.

“I’m glad that we passed this ordinance. I’m happy that we sponsored it,” Council Member Adam Matthews said, FOX 19 reported. “It’s been seven weeks and we’ve had no legal action against it because we did the work. We wrote it in a way that fits with the abortion jurist prudence and we expect it to withstand any legal challenge if there ever is one.”

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