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Adam Schiff talked 454% more than lead Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow

House Democrats leading the impeachment trial in the Senate against President Trump talked for more than twice as long as his legal defense team, with the top critic, Rep. Adam Schiff, speaking 454% longer than the top White House lawyer.

A quickie breakdown compiled by C-SPAN digital producer Courtney Beesch found that House Democrats used virtually all of the 24 hours they were allotted, while the Trump team used less than half of their time.

“WH Counsel @JaySekulow spoke for a total of 91 minutes, with 8 appearances at the podium. Lead House Impeachment Manager @RepAdamSchiff spoke for 505 minutes, with 9 appearances at the podium,” she tweeted.

In fact, Schiff spoke almost as long as the whole Trump team, 505 minutes versus 586 minutes.

The differences were stark and were welcomed by some senators who tried not to nod off during the presentation of the Democrats’ partisan impeachment case.

While the Democrats went long, the Trump team went short, cutting off their final day of defense in part, said one official, because they didn’t think the Democrats came close to making their case for conviction.

In the end, the Trump team had 14 hours left over and the Democrats less than two hours, said the C-SPAN review.

Schiff, who led the House Intelligence Committee proceedings of Trump and the allegations around aid to Ukraine and the alleged call for an investigation of the Bidens, ate up about half of the Democratic time.

The Washington

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