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Adam’s Rib is Not a Rib – Helix of DNA and Proof of God

By Above Top Secret 

Posted on Aug, 10 2013


Lost in translation, the word ‘Rib’ is not a rib at all. It is the ‘Side’ of the Image of DNA. How would we see this today? As the X side of Adam’s complete set. Why do I say complete set?

Genesis 1:27

27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

In Genesis 1, Elohim (Godhead) created mankind. As many of you know, there are two creation stories in Genesis. In Genesis 1, there were no restrictions to the trees or fruit. In Genesis 2, the Lord forms Adam and takes DNA to form Eve. Two trees are restricted. The tree of knowledge is technology. The tree of life is DNA. For the purpose of this thread, I will show you what the verse above means. First, the image of Man is not man himself. The image is what we would expect a programmer to create before engaging the program. In God’s case, the image is DNA, BOTH Male and Female. When it says BOTH above, it means that both were in one individual. Who is that individual above?



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