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Adobe Forces Customers To Accept User Agreement To ‘Access Your Content Through Both Automated And Manual Methods’

by Jacob M. Thompson


“You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

Adobe is facing heavy scrutiny after a number of customers became aware of a privacy policy shift that allows the tech company to automatically scan and keep records of users’ personal projects, and use it to train their generative AI. On top of that, Adobe forces users to accept these new terms of service or paying customers can no longer access their programs and projects.

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Adobe explicitly states that the company has the right to “access your content through both automated and manual methods.” Adobe defines “content” as “any text, information, communication, or material, such as audio files, video files, electronic documents, or images, that you upload, import into, embed for use by, or create using the Services and Software.”

When users open up an Adobe program, such as Photoshop or Illustrator, for example, they are greeted with an “Update Terms of Use” pop-up that has no opt-out option, just an “accept and continue.” If users are not willing to accept these new terms, the software cannot be accessed.

We’ve made some changes to the Adobe General Terms of Use regarding the use of Software and Services, including:

• Clarified that we may access your content through both automated and manual methods, such as for content review (Sections 2.2 and 4.1)

• Modified our right to delete content for inactive accounts (Section 5.3)

• Updated the period to resolve disputes informally from 60 to 30 days (Section 14.1)

By closing this window, you’ll be unable to continue using Adobe apps and services. By clicking “Accept and Continue,” you agree that you have read and accepted the Terms of Use.

Venture Beat noted that this message was sent out to ‘many customers of Adobe’s Creative Cloud Suite (which counts more than 20 million users globally)’ last week…


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