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After Pelosi Insults Him over Whistleblower Question, Reporter Hits Back: ‘It’s Called Journalism’

By Jack Davis

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flared up in anger last week when asked about whether President Donald Trump should be afforded the right to confront the whistleblower who has accused Trump of improper conduct related to a July 25 phone call with the president of Ukraine.

Sinclair reporter James Rosen noted that impeachment is essentially a political process with legal trappings, according to a YouTube video of his exchange with the California Democrat — an exchange that later left Rosen tweeting his bafflement at Pelosi’s conduct.

“The question I asked @SpeakerPelosi Pelosi as a reporter for @WeAreSinclair was fair and respectful. Her reply descended to personal insult without addressing the substance, and was accordingly beneath her office. I later asked @GOPLeader tough questions. It’s called journalism,” he tweeted.


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