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Air safety falls victim to Biden’s immigration disaster

Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government

 Simon Hankinson


On Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1988, Pan Am flight 103 from London to New York exploded over Scotland. A bomb, planted by Libyan terrorists, killed all 270 people aboard.

Two days later, I boarded flight 103, one of maybe 30 passengers. Hardly a word was spoken for the entire trip. None of us wanted to fly, but I was a broke student and wanted to be home for Christmas. This is like yesterday to me.

What’s that got to do with immigration, you ask? Stay with me as I connect the dots.

The daily parade of bad news from our southern border has gotten worse. The chutzpah of the Biden administration’s approach to illegal immigration is on full display. Democrats seem to be doing a grand experiment: What would happen if there were no border at all? Would voters care? Would Congress defund or impeach them?


Air safety falls victim to Biden’s immigration disaster (


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