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All Biden’s Fault: Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

By Nick Arama

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan.
Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Biden for throwing Israel under the bus and throwing a lifeline to Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also ripped the move, saying that he would be canceling a trip to D.C. that his aides had planned.

So what has all that appeasement of Hamas resulted in?

Israel had agreed to a very bad deal in order to try to get the hostages, which included 5 Americans, out. The offer was a six week ceasefire to have an exchange of people.

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