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All Eyes on Putin

By William Manning


It’s a story as old as time.  A powerful country masses an army on the border of a weaker neighbor with the intent to invade or intimidate.

Vladimir Putin believes that the mobilization of forces near Ukraine will support Russia’s foreign policy objectives.  Some suggest that civilization has advanced, and no sovereign nation innocent of wrongdoing should fear foreign aggression.  This observation is noble, but many political leaders are not.

Vladimir Putin kills his enemies.  Some endured horrible suffering when poisoned with radioactive materials, while others were simply shot in the head.  Russia, China, and many other countries are despotic regimes.  Powerful people rule these countries dictating terms of governance.  They may establish goals that will improve the lives of their people, but the primary beneficiary will be those in control.  Noble objectives can be goals of foreign policy, but the policy itself must be based on the harsh realities of the world we live in.  The foreign policy objectives of the United States must be for the benefit of the American people, not a party, faction, or politician.



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