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Alyssa Farah Griffin floats another WILD and likely made-up Trump tale

By Chris Donaldson 


“The View” co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin has become a favorite of Democrats as another former Trump administration staffer who parlayed her experience into a new career of trashing her ex-boss.

Specializing in lurid commentary that there is little actual proof for except her words, Griffin uncorked another of her wild tales about the nation’s 45th president who she said talked about the execution of people during meetings, a typically sensationalist claim from a woman who specializes in them.

The former White House communications director sat down with host Aidan McLaughlin on the latest episode of left-leaning outlet Mediaite’s “Press Club” podcast and the topic predictably turned to Trump and his supposed dictatorial tendencies, a narrative that Democrats and their allies have been pounding relentlessly despite it not moving the polls in Joe Biden’s favor.

Griffin discussed one meeting in which it was claimed that Trump talked about executions although former Attorney General Bill Barr – certainly no fan of the former president – pretty much debunked it during a CNN grilling earlier this year.

Asked by McLaughlin about why prominent Republicans who were once highly critical of Trump are now backing him, the faux conservative opined that it’s all about power.

“It’s power. I think power is just one of the most enticing things that we have in society. Kaitlan Collins, to her credit, interviewed Bill Barr and asked about an anecdote that I had shared about a meeting he and I were both in the Oval Office, where Trump straight up said a staffer who leaked a story should be executed,” she said…


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