Contrary to what it might appear to be, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon empire didn’t just spring out of grassroots nowhere as a result of one man’s forward-thinking ingenuity with regards to evolving technological innovation. As it turns out, this corporate behemoth is actually a fascist psy-op birthed by the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) to seize total control over all trade and commerce throughout the world.
As revealed by State of the Nation, Amazon’s very existence was schemed up in secret by “deep state” spooks at the C.I.A. for the purpose not only of establishing a digital retail monopoly, but also as a mechanism to exert absolute power and influence over corporate America.
Much like the South American river after which it was named, the Amazon corporation was established from the get-go by the C.I.A. as “an octopus innervating and interpenetrating every segment of the corporate sector” – just like Walmart before it, the purpose of which was to destroy and take over the entire American retail industry.