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America Has Suffered a Coup

By Paul Craig Roberts


A while ago I reported to my readers that for several years the most widely read articles on my website were those presenting the overwhelming evidence that Germany did not start World War II, so striking were the facts from the false narrative we had been told.  

Ron Unz has also exposed the false World War II narrative, and he returned to the subject on June 12.  For those of you who missed the true story, you can begin your journey to reality.

Be certain to watch David Irving’s lecture, which is included in Unz’s article and can be found here. You will learn from Irving, without doubt by far the best historian of World War II, that there was more damning evidence that Winston Churchill was a war criminal than were the Germans sentenced to death at Nuremberg.

For the most part academic historians are court historians who write feelgood accounts, accounts based more on war propaganda than on documents and facts.  Academic historians who are the exceptions, such as A.J.P. Taylor and Harry Elmer Barnes, and tell the truth are “disappeared” as a consequence.  In Irving’s case a decades long campaign has been conducted against him for writing history based on the documents rather than repetition of the feelgood narrative…

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