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Americans are improving the system for combating UAVs without causing significant damage to the drone


By Topwar

DroneHunter is a counter-UAV system that causes no or minimal damage to its target. It uses various types of wireless communication networks in its work and can suppress the signal, leaving the enemy drone itself safe and sound.

If itā€™s about drones, which are approaching military bases where the population lives nearby, it is far preferable to eliminate this threat from the sky by intercepting wireless control, which greatly reduces collateral damage. In this case, there is no debris falling from the sky, no explosions in the air.

Another advantage of having a UAV interception feature is the ability to take possession of the drone and use it in some way in the future. This could also be for espionage and forensic purposes, to understand who the manufacturer of the drone is, who sent it and for what purpose. The result of such work by DroneHunter may be that a fairly expensive UAV will become available, which can be repurposed for its tasks and successfully used.

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