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America’s Armageddon

Armageddon is defined as “the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil”[1] We are indeed in the midst of a centuries long battle between good and evil, it is primarily a cognitive war that is occurring both domestically and globally.  This ongoing battle, in current state, brings to the forefront the real possibility of America’s Armageddon – not decades from now, but next week, next month, or in the next year! Why do I believe this?

Let me start with a premise that we must continually assess, imagine, and project where we are heading as a society.  We must ask, if we have no long-term strategy, then who is guiding our country and to what end?  If we have no strategy, we defer to the strategy that our adversary’s layout. We defer to their vision of the future. We defer to their driving the agenda – as we can only react. And reacting being a defensive maneuver, is a losing proposition.  So continued assessment, imagination, and projection are essential if we are to consider the strategic consequences of our inaction, especially given we lack a long-term strategy for US national security.

To this point, I must harken back to a key finding from the 9-11 Commission. Over two-decades ago the 9-11 Commission stated the following about our Intelligence Community – that “A ‘failure of imagination’ was the greatest problem that allowed the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 to happen.”  So, as I assess, imagine, and project what is next for America – and as I do so, I am frightened by what is the most obvious of outcomes.  That is, I believe, we are on the precipice of America’s Armageddon by 202X – fill in the blank.

Americans live in a bubble of bliss. We are very myopic, short sighted, and for the most part live in the moment.  Few of us plan anything more than a week out, less years, or even decades. If you ask Americans, most believe our freedoms will be sustained forever. Few fully understand or comprehend how thin the line is between tyranny and freedom. Even fewer understand that diligence and constant tending to those freedoms is required and that to ensure freedom for future generations requires that “all” sacrifice.

There is a balance – or state of equilibrium[2] – that exists between good and evil which can shift suddenly.  As my Theory of the Information Equilibrium[3] proffers – there is in fact an equilibrium that exists between good and evil, and the equilibrium shifts between good and evil, tyranny and despotism, freedom and dictatorship, depending on the flow or constriction of information.

In today’s America, we are seeing the balance of the information equilibrium leaning heavily today towards evil, despotism, and dictatorship.  America’s Armageddon is upon us – less we act swiftly.

Why is it likely that we face America’s Armageddon in a week, a month, or year(s)?


I need not imagine the Iron Curtain falling, the nearly 3000 murdered on 9-11, several million plus murdered worldwide from a biological weapon (i.e., China Flu or Covid-19 for those more politically correct) including over a million Americans, or the over a hundred thousand murdered each year by fentanyl each year – as these are facts.

But given these facts, we must wonder “are Americans awake?” Do we truly realize that our nation is no longer an island of freedom separated by two oceans, but a land that is now borderless, with millions of illegal aliens invading?  Do we understand this chaos, anarchy, and total disregard for our laws – in a nation that is based on laws – is aided by an internal insurgency that is hell bent on altering the fabric of our nation for the sole purpose of obtaining absolute power?

We will we be like the Venezuelans, who took their freedoms for granted and found within a few short years their country’s prosperity and freedoms evaporated?  Or will we wake up and realize, like our founder’s, that we must throw off the reigns of tyranny, take back our country, and if necessary, understand that doing so may require us to lose our fortunes, our homes, and our lives?

I recently wrote an article titled The Progressives Unrestricted War of Terror on America[4].  I discussed the impact on Americans’ cognitive domain in the context of the polyvagal theory and why Americans are failing to believe what we see, and as part of the ongoing domestic and global Cognitive War.  A war of purposeful chaos, terror, intimidation, and subjugation across multiple fronts.  It is in this context, that I assess, imagined, and projected what the future strategic outcome for America could be given our current environment. It is not a pretty picture.

So let me begin, by repeating my warning – a warning for all ages – regarding the ongoing Cognitive War from a paper I wrote for the Intelligence and Defense communities in February of 2018[5]:

Unless we adjust our future operations and investments to account for the paradigm shifts that have occurred under our feet, our nation and its intelligence operations will once again awaken too late, to a different reality, which is likely to end badly with significant and long-term impacts to our nation’s security and place as world leader.

I project such a negative and reactive outcome to occur either because we lost the cognitive war totally, our adversaries succeed undermining our institutions and democratic foundation to such an extent they are no longer viable, or, because our efforts to counter in the cognitive domain came too late.

If we fail to act in the cognitive domain, we will likely end up in a major kinetic conflict resulting in devastating outcomes, in physical and human toll – recovery is questionable.

If I focus on the second part of that warning where I state – “our adversaries succeed undermining our institutions and democratic foundation to such an extent they are no longer viable, or, because our efforts to counter in the cognitive domain came too late” it is not hard to imagine America’s Armageddon, where the degree of destruction, devastation, physical, and human toll would be on par with, and likely exceed that of a major kinetic conflict.

I believe America could be turned on its head from a thriving economic and military power – to a toothless shell of chaos and anarchy where the population – that survives – is thrown into martial law. Where we see our economy tank – as we recede into decades or a century long depression.

This outcome is a real possibility.  Let’s imagine two scenarios that are not farfetched.

In the first scenario, we can imagine where a group of insurgents have infiltrated our country, to undertake specific attacks across the US to disrupt our society. Given we now have 1.5 million illegal got aways, plus thousands of Chinese nationals – across our country – we must acknowledge we could have an army of over 30,000 such insurgents in each of our fifty states. Even if we imagine only 1% (300) of these illegal got aways and Chinese nationals are insurgents, if they decided to undertake either a coordinated or uncoordinated actions to sabotage and subvert our country, they could cause extreme harm, disruption, and destruction.  A mere 300 insurgents would suck up most of the any state’s law enforcement and emergency response resources to handle, address, and stem complete chaos, panic, and anarchy.  We could split the difference, and imagine 10%  or 3000, of the fuller 30,000 being insurgents.  Why? Because these individuals were aided by the cartels, who are working with China, and therefore have a mission, a purpose, to their entry. What is it? And let’s not forget, they’re still coming over the border!

I am not even addressing the other 6 million illegals who’ve entered our country in the last two years.  I am only focusing on those aided by the cartels who purposefully escaped being stopped, arrested, or detained. At the same time, we cannot completely ignore the 6 million illegals, as our nation is only beginning to realize the tsunami of costs and impacts across our education, economic, social, healthcare, and justice systems.  Six million illegals, that’s equivalent to 6 cities of 20,000 people being added to every one of our fifty states, do not live in America without impact!

Let us consider a second scenario. It is also very realistic, but a bit more nefarious. As this scenario advances scenario one, but is purposefully aided and abetted by compromised leaders (e.g., executive and legislative branches) and numerous compromised or complicit bureaucrats to facilitate the demise of America as we know it.

In this scenario, we see the actions of insurgents quickly lead to the imposition of martial law. Albeit, the declaration by the president or a set of governors, would not be to protect us from our enemies, but to subjugate and control true patriots.

I contend this scenario is not at all unrealistic, as we’ve seen our justice system weaponized against one political party, the arrest of Donald Trump for a misdemeanor, the attempted coup via the Steel Dossier, the purposeful undermining of our energy security, defunding of police, release of felons whose felony charges are reduced to misdemeanors, labeling parents as domestic terrorists, and ignoring of oaths of office and the law by opening of our borders north and south to whomever wishes to enter. Anyone of the latter events is cause for great concern, but together they paint a picture of a purposeful strategy given such acts are not coincidental. In simple terms, the current actions by a set of radical left progressive extremists are not ad hoc. It is more likely a well-planned, and staged, implementation of a strategy.  We must consider this a real possibility if we are honest in assessing, imagining, and projecting what can unfold.

How will America’s Armageddon could unfold?

What would one do if they were planning to subjugate America? Given the lessons from the China Flu (Covid 19) lockdowns, defund the police, and BLM / Antifa summer of love – we can conclude that it would be necessary to not only terrorize Americans (as in the Progressives Unrestricted War of Terror on America[6]), but also remove the will and ability of the citizenry to fight back. Concurrently, using this terror, it would be necessary to increase their dependence on the state for basic survival…


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One Comment

  1. Doug Hegre Doug Hegre April 26, 2023

    Ya, sign me up to not have a weapon, to register my weapon, to be on the Covid Vax register, to convert my cash savings to crypto, anything to give the wonderful and trustworthy government any more info that they already have. While it’s our present country, the good Ol’ USA that first comes to mind when you look out your door or window or that you see in our most populist areas, what you see and hear on our local and national news daily is just a small view of the current world ideals and actions. If that is comforting to you and you feel that total dominance by said government (if your lucky), then just close the door and shades and pretend All is Well. Someday, and probably sooner than later, you will be appreciative of those of us that have ben keeping an eye on the ball and have retained our weapons. And you can bet your ass that the Woke segment won’t be the ones out fighting and giving their lives for yours. Smile. It’s Wednesday. You’ve got the rest of your life to enjoy free or otherwise.

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