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America’s Newest Tank Revealed, You Can Thank Pentagon Climate Goals for What’s Been Done to the Power Plant

“An army marches on its stomach,” Napoleon is often quoted as saying.

The actual sentence was “an Army, like a serpent, goes upon its belly,” and it was spoken by Frederick the Great, but let’s not get caught up in details. The point is, if you want to win the battle, logistics are at least as important as tactics.And had Frederick not died in 1786, when horse-mounted cavalry ruled the battlefield, he might have rethought that phrase. Petroleum products — gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel, lubricants — are what fuel the modern military.

Or they did until the advent of the latest main battle tank from General Dynamics Land Systems, anyway, which announced last week that it would be exhibiting its new “AbramsX technology demonstrator” during the  Army’s Annual Meeting & Exposition in Washington, D.C., this week…

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