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AMLO’s Meddling in US Politics Highlights Danger of Mass Migration

In American politics today, much noise is made about the subject of foreign interference. While the Left has often hijacked the phrase to promote their conspiracy theories about Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, real foreign interference is taking place — and many Democrats even cheer it on.

Mexico’s leftist president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), has regularly made headlines by injecting himself into the United States’ affairs, particularly with regard to the migration question.

As The New American recently reported, Lopez Obrador has had an ongoing feud with Texas Governor Greg Abbott (a Republican) because of the latter’s attempts to use state authority to curtail illegal migration, which has seen an explosion under the lax enforcement policies of the Joe Biden administration.

Referencing a law signed by Abbott that empowers law enforcement in the Lone Star State to arrest illegal aliens and compel them to either leave the country or be prosecuted on misdemeanor charges for illegally crossing the border, AMLO said his foreign ministry is working on challenging the “inhumane” legislation.

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