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Andrew McCabe Does An Interview And Makes A Stunning Admission

I’m not sure if he meant to admit this or if he’s just so brazen that he doesn’t care. Probably the latter.

Andrew McCabe, who’s currently facing a coming indictment for lying to the FBI (while also moonlighting as a CNN analyst of course), did an interview on his time at the FBI during the Trump-Russia investigation. Along the way, he made a pretty important admission regarding the origins of the probe.

McCabe said the FBI opened its case in late July 2016 based on information about Trump adviser George Papadopoulos.

“We open the case, and then we think, ‘OK, now who are we actually going to investigate?’” McCabe said at the event, which aired Tuesday on C-SPAN.

“Who do we know who is associated with the campaign who has known, significant ties to Russian intelligence?” he asked rhetorically. “We quickly come up with four names that will not surprise you.”

Wait, so they started the investigation without even knowing who they were going to investigate? Why, it’s almost as if they were simply fishing around Trump’s campaign for political reasons.


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