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Another Orchestrated Health Crisis in the Works? Smallpox Vaccine to Protect against Monkeypox

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The corrupt public health officials in the Western world, who are shills for Big Pharma as they share in the profits of the drugs that they approve, are about to inflict on humanity a worst castrophe than the Covid vaccine. 

They are considering using smallpox vaccine to protect against monkeypox.  The New York Times, dependent as it is on pharmaceutical advertising, will support the next wave of orchestrated “health crisis” in service to vaccination profit.

Although complicit public health officials and Big Pharma will not admit it, many distinguished independent scientists have concluded that the Covid vaccine leaves the vaccinated immunocompromised. 

The smallpox vaccine was always dangerous even to those with good immune systems.  The result of giving smallpox vaccine to the immunocompromised could be to give them smallpox and thus reinfect the human population with a far more dangerous virus than Covid and monkeyvirus….

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One Comment

  1. grannie annie grannie annie May 27, 2022

    Most of us elderly in Canada already have the smallpox vax at a very early age that lasts a lifetime. We have the scar to prove it. Any advise regarding it has wore off to me will be Bull-ony! I trust the past not the present Biblical lies n hiprocracies.

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