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Anti-police, pro-criminal DA just took office in California. Cue the mayhem.

Hold on to your poop, San Francisco:  Your streets are about to get a whole lot crappier.

The new district attorney, 39-year-old Chesa Boudin, was sworn into office on Wednesday. And after the announcements he’s made about overhauling the criminal justice system, now California residents are bracing themselves for the lawlessness that will ensue.

Some quick changes right off the bat would be to stop pressing any formal charges in cases like public urination, prostitution as well as a laundry list of others.

Make no mistake – law abiding Californians and especially the cops that patrol the area are in trouble.

His campaign platform promised a “new style of justice,” and his message is, “We aren’t going to criminalize poverty.”

In an interview with KCBS Radio, Boudin said, “I ran on a platform that was very explicitly engaging with some of the breakdowns in trust between law enforcement and the community, and between what happens in the courtroom and the perception of what happens in the courtroom.  We have a lot of work do to.”

Well doesn’t that just sound nice?  Who doesn’t want trust to be built back up between law enforcement and the community?

Chesa Boudin.  Chesa Boudin doesn’t.


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