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AOC Ditched a Scheduled Appearance with Jamaal Bowman This Afternoon



The polls in New York haven’t closed yet as I write this but it feels like people have a sense the Rep. Jamaal Bowman is going to lose. Here’s the former governor of New York from earlier today:

He’s not the only person making this prediction, but the unkindest cut of all may have come from fellow squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC was recently seen putting on a show for a very small crowd to prop up Bowman over the weekend.

But it appears AOC has had enough. Maybe the stench of imminent failure is getting to her. She was supposed to meet up with Bowman again this afternoon but had a sudden change of plans.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had been slated to appear at the Edenwald Community Center polling site at 3:30 p.m. alongside colleague and fellow “Squaddie” Jamaal Bowman.

However, at around 4 p.m., Ocasio-Cortez spokesperson Sidney Johnson announced the congresswoman would not appear, citing a “shift in schedule.”

“It’s not going to happen for her,” Johnson told The Post. “She won’t be around. Not here.”

AOC was also supposed to attend a Bowman’s watch party in Yonkers. It sounds like that isn’t happening either. Johnson, her spokesperson, said “We haven’t made any decisions yet.” In a subsequent call an unnamed member of AOC’s team said she would be attending her own watch party with volunteers tonight


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