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Are Gog and Magog running the Khazarian Mafia?

Article provided by PFC subscriber Emil:

In different religious texts, Gog and Magog are depicted as evil forces located at the End of Times, who will initiate conflicts and wars, while causing massive destruction on Earth.

The Judaic and Christian scriptures, however, do not describe Gog and Magog in detail, and therefore, in such unclarity, there are struggles in interpreting and discussing this matter.

It is Islamic eschatology though, which sheds light on this subject for us to have a better perception regarding these great corrupters in the land while having addressed Gog and Magog adequately, as they make a major sign of the Last Day.

Unlike several apocalyptical figures in Islam, which are mainly described broadly in the Hadith literature solely (collections of narrations from the Prophet Muhammad), Gog and Magog happen to be mentioned in the Qur’an primarily, and their mentioning is always associated with various hints that encourage the effort of deciphering the Divine Language, contemplating, and reflecting into a more profound comprehension of the scriptures.

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