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Argentine President-Elect Javier Milei Ushers in New Hope for the Americas

By Joseph M. Humire 


In Argentina—a country where 1 out of every 4 people work for the state and more than half of the population receives some form of government welfare—14 million of its citizens have just voted for less government.

They voted to slash the state. A true free-market reformer, Javier Milei is the first libertarian president in the world and received the most votes for president in the history of Argentina.

Supported by his former political rival and a formidable pick for vice president, Milei was able to do what has seemed impossible in Latin America in recent years; namely, unite a broad spectrum of conservatives, libertarians, and classical liberals to save Argentina from the creeping regional rot of socialism.

Sunday’s second-round elections in Argentina were supposed to end in a nail-biter as polls showed a difference of 1 to 2 points between Milei and his establishment opponent, Economy Minister Sergio Massa. But the results were not even close. Winning 20 of 23 provinces, Milei swept the presidential election in defeating Massa by a 12-point margin…


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