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Arizona school board caught in some creepy spying activity against dissenting parents and their kids

By Monica Showalter

As if the thuggery of the Loudoun County school board against a parent who was trying to get a response to his daughter’s rape were not enough, now we have an even viler case rolling out from Scottsdale, Arizona.

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More than 600 parents in Scottsdale, Arizona, are demanding the resignation of the school board president after a shocking revelation.

The president, or possibly his father, appears to have kept a dossier on 47 parents who dared to speak out against his policies at school board meetings — a dossier complete with Social Security numbers, background checks, a divorce paper, mortgage documents, trade certifications, and screenshots of Facebook posts.

The exposure of it got out in this way:

The Scottsdale Independent first reported on the “Greenburg Files,” an extensive opposition-research-style dossier of parents who spoke up at school board meetings on issues ranging from COVID-19 restrictions to critical race theory. Greenburg reportedly revealed the digital dossier – stored on Google Drive – in August, when he sent a screenshot of an image from the drive to resident Kim Stafford in an email.

The Google Drive shows four people tied to the account: Mark Greenburg, the president’s father, is the owner of the drive; Jann-Michael Greenburg; a person with the email address belonging to SUSD governing board member Zachary Lindsay; and a Scottsdale woman who has yet to be identified…


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