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Auto Manufacturers Are Now Tracking Your ‘Sexual Activity’ And ‘Genetic Information,’ Along With ‘Predispositions’

by Jacob M. Thompson


Even things like the consumer’s “preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes” are tracked, shared, and sold.

Vehicle manufacturers are now tracking and storing some very personal data inside the car’s internal computers, including things like if you have sex inside the car and even your unique genetics.

As highlighted by popular YouTuber Louis Rossman, a staunch right-to-repair advocate, highlighted how vehicles are becoming more and more invasive in what they are collecting on drivers and passengers.

Rossman recounted how several years ago lobbyist groups and most major U.S. auto manufacturers were urging U.S. consumers to vote against right-to-repair in Massachusetts, insinuating through provocative ad campaigns that by allowing users to have full control over what they own and possess, criminals and sex felons could then gain the data stored inside the vehicle and use that to stalk vehicles and “even take control of your vehicle…


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