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BACK OFF! McCaskill On Verge of Tears Over GOP Targeting Hunter Biden

By Kevin Tober


Failed former Senator and MSNBC political analyst Claire McCaskill took the airwaves on MSNBC’s Deadline: White House to tearfully lash out at Republicans for wanting to see equal justice under the law and see President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden prosecuted for all the crimes he has been credibly accused of. Instead of arguing for Hunter’s innocence based on the merits, she lashed out in an emotional rant about how mean Republicans are. Despite Hunter receiving a sweetheart plea deal from his father’s Justice Department, McCaskill still wasn’t happy.

“I don’t know what America they live in. And I don’t know how they sleep at night,” McCaskill proclaimed. “You know, alcoholism and addiction are probably the most pervasive diseases in America. I don’t know of one family that hasn’t been touched by the pain of these diseases. And it’s particularly painful when you have someone you love unconditionally that is suffering from these diseases.”

She then turned her rage on Republicans: “What do these jerks in the House want Joe Biden to do? Throw him out? Refuse to speak to him? Say he doesn’t love him publicly? Do they not understand this disease and how it works?”

“Hunter Biden has gone through recovery under the brightest lights imaginable, and recovery is not easy for anybody. I—he’s being held accountable for bad judgments he made, and he should be,” she added…


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