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Bannon Questions Why Trump Waited So Long to Oppose McConnell

by Cullen McCue

After former President Donald Trump called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell a “broken down hack” and questioned his leadership, Steve Bannon asked why the former president opted to back McConnell-endorsed candidates in the past. Trump has backed a number of pro-establishment candidates since 2016, drawing the ire of his base in a number of races. The War Room host — who formerly served as a key advisor to President Trump — listed a number of races where Trump dropped the ball in a GETTR post.

Trump referred to McConnell as a “broken down hack” after the leader cast doubt on the GOP’s chances of retaking the Senate in November. McConnell, 80, cited polls that have GOP Senate candidates Blake Masters, Herschel Walker and Dr. Mehmet Oz down by sizable margins in making his bleak outlook. Reliable pollsters such as Trafalgar Group have found smaller margins, but McConnell has only pledged sizable support to the J.D. Vance campaign in Ohio…

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