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Barr is coming after Biden, Schiff, Clinton and the mass media

Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and the mass media seem set to be steamrollered by Attorney General Bill Barr using a Treaty none of them is prepared to even acknowledge exists.

“The Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters” (Treaty) – was ratified by the Senate on 18 October 2000.

In transmitting the Treaty to the Senate for approval then President Bill Clinton wrote:

Schiff is either ignorant of—or is seeking to deliberately keep the public uniformed

“The Treaty is self-executing. It provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters. Mutual assistance available under the Treaty includes: taking of testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records, and articles of evidence; serving documents; locating or identifying persons; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searches and seizures; assisting in proceedings related to restraint, confiscation, forfeiture of assets, restitution, and collection of fines; and any other form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the requested state”


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