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Barry Sanders’ Humility Is A Quality Modern Athletes Severely Lack


Former Detroit Lions running back Barry Sanders’ career has largely been defined by his record-setting performances on the football field. Whether it was breaking tackles or rushing in touchdowns under seemingly impossible circumstances, Sanders has arguably solidified himself as the greatest running back in NFL history never to win a Super Bowl.

But what may surprise people is that buried beneath the media headlines and glamorous titles is a man who loved the game far more than the celebrity that came with it.

In Prime Video’s “Bye Bye Barry,” viewers are shown a humble Sanders whose excitement for football is generated not by setting personal records or winning individual awards but by playing to the best of his ability for his teammates. During the last game of his high school career, for example, Sanders was less than 100 yards shy of the state rushing title and was offered the chance to keep playing to break it. With his team leading by a comfortable margin, Sanders declined and instead allowed the team’s younger members to get playing time.

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