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BBB is Dead, What is Plan B?

by Ray Cardello

Concord, NH — Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are failing. They thought their transformative Socialist Build Back Better Bill was a done deal. They convinced themselves that the majority of Americans supported their Bill. They knew they had all the Democrat Senators on board, and Kamala would cast the deciding vote and voilà.

Well, there are two problems. The American people do not support the Bill, and neither do two Senators, Sinema of Arizona and Manchin of West Virginia. It appears that these two moderate Dems are the only ones concerned about the outrageous cost of Build Back Better. Thank God and give them the intestinal fortitude to stay strong and not bend to their party.

Biden overplayed his hand and was not smart enough to know his party and their level of support. Just like you don’t put a Bill on the floor if you don’t have the votes, you don’t base your Presidency on a Bill that has inadequate support. The majority of the country does not want to transform America…

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