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BBC Presenter’s Despicable Tweet: ‘If I Was Biden I’d Hurry Up and Have Trump Murdered’

By Bob Hoge

We’ve seen some of the deranged reactions from the left over the Supreme Court’s ruling Monday that a president enjoys immunity for official acts. AOC is threatening to impeach justices, CNN’s Jake Tapper frets that the decision gives the commander-in-chief the authority to assassinate his rivals—a worry parroted by an MSNBC legal analyst—while unhinged commenters on social media advised the president to drone strike Trump.

All in all, a very impressive showing of hysteria by “Democracy-loving” progressives.

One British Broadcasting Corporation presenter took it to a whole new level, though, openly encouraging Biden to assassinate his rival for the presidency:

David Aaronovitch, who presents BBC Radio 4’s “Briefing Room” programme, had apparently clamoured for the 45th President’s killing online “on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security”.

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