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BETRAYAL: Ted Cruz Bashes President Trump’s ‘America First’ Foreign Policy to MSNBC Reporter Guess this is why he used to be called “Lyin’ Ted.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has talked a good game since he was destroyed in the Republican presidential primary in 2016 by then-candidate Donald Trump, but he will sometimes show his true colors to remind Republicans why he grew to be so reviled during that election cycle.

His appearance at the third annual Texas Tribune Festival is a great example of that, as Cruz had a conversation with pencil-necked MSNBC fake news reporter Chris Hayes about why he thinks President Trump is making big foreign policy mistakes.

“I have real concerns about our policy in North Korea,” Cruz told Hayes.

“The President isn’t just saying, ‘I want to do a deal with them,’ which, again, I would favor,” Hayes responded.

“He’s actually saying, ‘He’s a great leader. I literally love him. He writes these beautiful notes, and I think he is a great, great leader for his country.’ It is a gulag state that every part of the American spectrum of political ideology agrees is one of the most ghastly, uh, mad scientist experiments of human subjugation on the globe,” Hayes said while Cruz sat there and nodded along.


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