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Biden Administration Denigrates Serbia At The UN In Hopes Of Provoking A New Balkan War

By Staff Writer

Backed by the Biden Administration, the U.N. General Assembly voted to establish an annual day of remembrance for the 1995 Srebrenica genocide, widely seen as a slap in the face to Serbia and all Serbs across the globe. The resolution drafted by Germany and Rwanda– countries guilty of genocide who should be the last to accuse others – at the behest of the U.S. State Department on Thursday received 84 votes in favor, 19 against, with 68 abstentions, with 22 countries refusing to participate in the vote. Under the anti-democratic rules of the U.N., the resolution passed, making July 11 “International Day of Remembrance of the Srebrenica Genocide,” despite the fact that only 43% of member nations supported it. The resolution is a clear effort by the Biden Administration to drive Serbia into the arms of Russia and to provoke a new Balkan War.

Responding to the vote, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin declared, “For us Serbs, this is a day of pride and the day and which we should align our policy with the results of the vote. Everyone told us what they thought about us, we, the Serbs chose our friends, but our enemies chose us too…”

Vulin added, “You were looking for a fox but you found a wolf. Germany, the U.S. and their colonies thought that the Serbs were easy prey. I expected the countries that fought against the Serbs to know us better and appreciate us more. They showed force, but they did not kill the truth. More U.N. member states did not support the resolution than those who did… this is a victory for Serbia, its sincere friends, and a victory for the incredible persistence and ironclad will of the President of all Serbs, Aleksandar Vučić.”

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